• EN
  • Iqony UHL – creating an efficient compressed air supply together

    Compressed air is one of the most expensive forms of energy. This makes it all the more surprising that in a wide variety of applications, there are substantial energy losses as a result of unused waste heat, leakage and non-optimised compressor control. Many companies have potential for significant energy savings in their compressed air systems.

    Industrial compressed air production facilities in Germany use around 16 TWh of power per year. This represents around 7% of Germany industry’s total power consumption. There is potential for optimisation of up to 25% across the entire compressed air production process. This means potential total savings of up to 4 TWh, or nearly 2 million tons of CO2, per year.

    The fact that compressed air energy consumption represents a significant proportion of a company’s total energy use frequently offers major untapped potential for savings that could be realised with a customised optimisation concept.

    We understand complex production processes

    By implementing an intelligent measurement concept with associated measures (e.g. eliminating leaks, optimising existing system configurations and units using compressed air, more efficient use of waste heat), we help you to boost your energy efficiency by up to 30%.

    What we offer you

    • Comprehensive consulting that draws on our many years of experience in energy management and technical operations
    • Design and implementation of a monitoring and measurement concept
    • A customised system and redundancy concept
    • The use of high-quality of system components
    • Operational management optimised for the customer and system
    • Contract flexibility

    Get in touch with us for a contracting quotation and energy concept tailored to you. Take advantage of attractive cost and CO2 savings.

    Iqony-Uhl Druckluft GmbH gleich zweifach DIN zertifiziert.

    Prozessoptimierung mit DIN EN ISO 9001

    Seit Juni 2021 ist Iqony Uhl Druckluft für die Geltungsbereiche


    • Druckluftcontracting
    • Full-Service-Miete
    • Full-Service


    mit der DIN EN ISO 9001 ausgezeichnet.

    Hier steht für uns die Prozessoptimierung im Fokus, um die Unternehmensleistung dauerhaft zu verbessern und um die Anforderungen unserer Kunden bestmöglich zu erfüllen.

    Mit dem eingeführten Qualitätsmanagement-System bieten wir Ihnen Qualität und Sicherheit rund um Ihr Druckluft-Contracting.




    Iqony Uhl Druckluft zeigt Verantwortung für die Umwelt und leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine CO2-neutrale Zukunft. – durch nachhaltiges arbeiten und einen besonnenen Umgang mit Ressourcen. Wir haben ein Umweltmanagement-System nach DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 eingeführt und wirtschaften damit.